Michel Pluviose, Engineer and docteur d’état ès sciences (PhD).
Honorary professor of Le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), he spent his career in education as a teacher alongside his research in the turbomachinery industry.

He is best known as the founder of the principle of worst action used in this website (1984). This principle is shown to be particularly effective in its application to the control and safety valves, because it can help avoid chaotic regimes.

A selection of comments on this salutary innovation :

Michel Michel Pluviose deserves credit as being the first in the world to have found remedies …
Robert Legendre
Senior Scientific Advisor at Onera
Member of the French Academy of Sciences

The Pluviose paper generated considerable interest at Dresser-Rand since we were at that time, trying to eliminate valve instability on a recently commissioned, inner-barrel machine in Korea…
conservoitoire national des arts et métiers CNAM
I don’t know if I’ve thanked you for having sent me your remarkable book ‘’ Escaping Chaos. Energetics Applications ’’…
Alain Carpentier (2012)
President of the French Academy of Sciences
Your research and your proposals – patented, as I’ve remarked – seeking to tame chaos are original.
Jean-Paul Béchat
I found this book to be highly original and stimulating, presented in an attractive way.
Roger Balian
Member of the French Academy of Sciences
Former Physics Professor at École Polytechnique
I would have liked to study more deeply the physics that you practice because explained as you do, I find it exciting.
Tomy, Webmaster

Jimmy Carter, a specialist in nuclear physics and former president of the USA